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Move in the Rain: Don't Let Rain Destroy Your Move

March 16, 2022

Move in the Rain: Don't Let Rain Destroy Your Move

Moving into your home in the rain is not a pleasant moving day for you. Moving out can be stressful enough, and the last thing you want is to be faced with the rain on the day of your move.

However, nobody can influence the weather in any manner. What could we do is monitor the weather forecast carefully and be prepared for the unpredictable whims of Mother Nature in the most efficient way possible.

Use these guidelines for moving during rain to keep your belongings and possessions dry and prevent any harmful incidents on the day of your removal.

Be aware of the forecast for weather

Most of the time you'll have chosen a move date before you have a clue about what the weather is going to be at the time of your move-out day. It's normal, considering that a house move takes a number of days, weeks and, sometimes, months of preparation.

It's not possible to determine the weather conditions for the day of your move ahead of time. However, the best thing you could do is to follow the forecast for the weather with greater anticipation as the day of the move nears.

The principal reason for following this channel of weather is knowing at least a couple of days before if severe rain is predicted for the day that you've chosen to leave. Most importantly, it's about being at the helm of the situation during relocation by having a backup plan if plan A gets lost in the rain.

You must wait until the rain stops

Moving your home in the rain doesn't necessarily mean that it's a huge issue if the rain is expected to cease within a few hours. If it doesn't end completely, the heavy rain could be replaced by a drizzle, allowing you to proceed with your home move in the same way as you scheduled.

In the meantime, waiting until the drizzle to cease is only a good idea in the event that you have some time to spare. If you're really strapped for time, it's possible that you don't have the option of just waiting—after all, it could take long hours of continuous rain until the skies begin to clear.

Your furniture should be covered in plastic sheets

If rain is forecasted and you're not able to delay any longer, you must go ahead with your plans, unless it's a torrential downpour, in which case you need to sit it out.

The most effective way to guard against moderate to slight rain is to wrap furniture pieces with plastic sheets to ensure that they don't become wet while loading. The plastic wrap will work just well since it's relatively affordable and can provide you with a great level of protection from water.

Check that your boxes are sturdy enough

If you are packing for a move, one rule that you must follow, irrespective whether rain is predicted or not, is to make sure you use sturdy cardboard boxes that won't be damaged by the occasional raindrop.

You are lucky if you purchased brand-new moving boxes from a reputable retailer. This being said, you can still utilize used cardboard boxes to lower the overall cost. However, you should make sure that they're sturdy enough to stand up to some dampness in the course of the journey.

The truck can be parked close to the road

If you've set that you're going to move by yourself, that is the case without hiring a professional, you should have already booked a truck for moving and are preparing to load it with your possessions.

One thing you can do is park your moving vehicle near the door to your front as you can. No matter if that entrance is part of home or an apartment complex, it is important to leave an adequate distance between the door and the truck when the conditions allow, thus minimizing the possibility of exposing your possessions to the cloudy water.

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